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Mission and Ministry

Our mission and ministry at Bishop McGuinness is to help our students strive to live out their faith in action. Thus, every parent, faculty member and student at Bishop are involved in our mission and campus ministry program.
At Bishop we incorporate spirituality into all aspects of our school life, making it an important component of each of our students’ lives. As school community we desire for all our students to reach their potential in all areas of their lives, while learning to develop their faith and deepen their own spiritual lives. This helps our students to become better persons, not only by developing faith in God, but by sharing their faith with one another.
At the core of our mission and campus ministry program is the belief that as Christians, we are called to be role models in society. Our ministry program allows students to acquire leadership and community service skills which prepares them to live and serve in a world as confident and motivated Christians. 

Community Service 

An important aspect of our mission at Bishop is our community service program, referred to as Y.E.S. (Youth Eager to Serve). Community Service is central to our school motto, “Praesis ut Prosis, Excel as to Serve.” Thus, our community service program encourages students to place their talents, abilities, and gifts at the service of others in their community. 
Each student at Bishop is required to have completed 30 hours of community service each year. These service hours should fulfill three categories: service to the Impoverished, Church and Community. Within each category, a minimum of 5 hours should be directed towards the impoverished, 10 towards activities in their local community and 10 towards activities in their local parish or church community. 
Students can obtain service hours beginning June 1st each year and those who exceed the basic number of hours required will receive recognition for their service. Students who log more than 150 hours of community service will also be honored when they graduate with a distinguished service medal for their consummate service to their church and community.  

Spiritual and Family Life 

At Bishop our parents and families also have an opportunity to grow in their faith through participation in the spiritual life of the school. The Spiritual Life Committee hosts weekly Mass and a small reception for fellowship afterwards. Parents and families also receive monthly updates from our school’s campus ministry office and are encouraged to join their children in full participation of the liturgical life of the school. Families can attend any School Mass or Prayer Service in the Chapel. 

Mission Trips and March for Life 

At Bishop we partner with local and international Christian mission organizations each year to allow our students the opportunity to participate in a mission trip. Through these trips Bishop students receive an opportunity to teach and bring Christ’s care to as well as share their experiences with the school community when they return. 
We also provide an opportunity for our students to be a part of and participate in the March for Life in Washington DC each year. Juniors and Seniors can apply for these opportunities at the beginning of the school year. 
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